How to manage anxiety - the natural way

Learn how to calm your mind and to honour anxiety when it appears.

There are a variety of effective, natural anxiety management techniques that you can do on your own, no matter where you are? Yes.

All emotions come through our body - last about 90 seconds - as messengers. Messengers come as thoughts, feelings, intuition.

When we listen to the messages early on then we navigate appropriately. When we ignore these feelings, intuitive thoughts and messages (a sign, a red flag, a gut feeling) then the message will persist, until we take affirmative action.

Anxiety is simply living in the future. Depression is living in the past. The present - well that's where the magic happens.

Anxiety is a “what-if” kind of situation. “What-if” this goes wrong? It’s the worst case scenario, made up in our mind. However, you can honour this feeling, listen to the message it has for you and take a gentle action, a step in the right direction. Affirming to yourself:

  • “I am healthy”

  • “I am present”

  • “I am confident

  • “I am safe”

These are just a few suggestions, of course. You can cater the affirmation to your current situation.

Learning to be still with this feeling or thought is profound.

“Quiet the mind, open the heart.” Wise words spoken from the great Ram Dass.

Our intuition is what guides us - to make the best decision - to live freely, to live in the moment, to be the best version of yourself. We get there by trusting ourselves, free of anxiety.

Anxiety comes with a gift: be present. listen

Create what you desire to be the best outcome. Because when we are present, that is when we can make the best choice, in this moment, here and now.

There are amazing holistic - natural therapies - and modalities that can help you stay present, relax into the here and now, and make you feel peaceful - like water flowing off a swan’s neck.

Natural Holistic Anxiety management Techniques

One modality that I have personally found to be effective, to help relieve tension, stress, anxiety, is facial reflexology (Also known as Dien Chan Facial Reflexology). It brings peace of mind, makes you feel centered, in perfect rhythm and brings beauty, instantly. All of a sudden your organs are smiling with you.

Facial Reflexology Exercise:

Facial Reflexology, Dien chan - Anxiety relief tips.

This sequence only takes 5 minutes and can help you immensely find your inner calm. All you need to use is only your fingertips and a mirror.


Start by bringing both hands to your forehead, and lightly tap or hold your finger on a point.

Facial reflexology - Dien chan - for anxiety relief. Start with both hands and fingers placed on both sides of the centre of your forehead

Feel the different sensations with your fingertips. Press lightly and then a little deeper, lighten pressure again. This is to feel good (not painful), the lighter the pressure the more effective the results.


Facial reflexology for anxiety - at the halfway point of your forehead tap with both fingers

At the halfway point of your forehead (between your hairline and eyebrow), inline with your outer iris; tap this point (alleviates fear, tones kidneys).


Contraindication: hypotension

Facial reflexology for anxiety - just above the inner corner of your eye at the tip of your eyebrows, tap these points with your index fingers.

Just above the inner corner of your eye, at the tip of your eyebrows, tap these points simultaneously, with both index fingers (calms nerves, regulates heart, relaxes muscles in shoulders, relieves pain in stomach).

Anytime you feel anxiety try the above mentioned points as well as combining the following:

Just below your hairline and inline with your inner iris (this point connects directly to your left and right kidneys - bringing Qi - vital energy to your system. This point/zone alleviates fear, tones the kidneys and relieves back pain).

Facial Reflexology for anxiety relief. Just below your hairline, inline with your inner iris, place your index finger and tap here.

The spleen is located in line with the pupil and halfway between your nostrils. Left side only. (This point melts away worry, strengthens immunity, improves blood circulation).

Facial reflexology for anxiety relief. Tap cheek midway under eye on left side with index finger.

Gently place your index finger in the bottom of the outer ear, then bring the finger just outside of the ear, in front of the bottom of the ear. Press both points on your left and right side. (This is our reset point. This point helps regulate the nervous system and can also be a point to use to cancel unwanted effects such as dizziness and headache).

Facial reflexology for anxiety relief-Place your index finder in the Botton of the out ear. Press both sides on the left and right ear.

Find the middle of your forehead. Tap 20 times to clear your mind, improve memory, and regulate your nervous system.

Use index finger and tap the centre of your forehead 20 times.

Do this exercise for 21 days and journal each day, watch the progress.

To get more information, book appointment in person or distant healing, to help with your anxiety, you can find me at or email me at:


Here are a few additional natural remedies for stress and anxiety relief.

Breath work:

Be here, now. Completely surrender into this moment. If you have 15 minutes great, if you have 1 minute - perfect! Simply start by breathing in for equal counts of 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 seconds. Breathing instantly helps calm the nervous system. Do this 3 times. Breathing in through the nose, and exhaling through the nose or your mouth.

As you inhale, visualize your lower abdomen filling, hold, fill your lungs, hold, fill your brain with fresh oxygen, hold. Then exhale, from your mind, the crown of your head, exhale from your heart, and expel the remaining air out of your abdomen by bringing your navel to your spine.

Take deep, long, slow, deliberate breaths. Allow yourself to stay in the present.


Get barefoot as much as you can, walk on the earth, feel the pulse of mother gaia, feel the tree roots under your feet, dip your toes in the ocean, massage your feet.

Remember: beauty surrounds you. Inside and out, there is pure radiance.

Ali Kay

creating spaces of beauty for the eye to see and heart to feel

Put some spring in your step - Proper posture Workshop


What is facial reflexology ?