
I’m Ali Kay.

Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist and Skincare Specialist

I have always had a zest for life. A fascination with nature -the human body - how it works, how it heals, how it functions optimally, given the proper respect.

Since I was a little girl, I always had this benevolent attitude to help people feel beautiful, joyful and safe in their body.

Given the proper tools - the Mind-Body-Soul - harmonizes and all the senses and cells become in rhythm and balance. With the ancient art of Reflexology: a natural therapeutic method, the results are seen after just one treatment. Your eyes are whiter..

As a young girl I have always had a desire to make people feel loved, belonged, beautiful-inside and out.

First I wondered how blemishes and marks presented themselves on the face and body. As a young girl going through adolescence I suffered with a chronic illness; itchy skin and blemishes, anxiety, depression, and other shadow-self experiences. Conditions my family Doctor could only prescribe medication for. This was a never ending cycle.

As my curiosity soared, I read books by doctors (mostly females) and psychologists, like Louise L. Hay “You Can Heal Your Life.” This is one of the many books that changed my life and helped catapult my career as a holistic skincare therapist and more currently a Reflexology Therapist. The books I was drawn to were Medical Doctors that became holistic Naturopathic Doctors and specializing in natural health and mental health - for the body to function optimally and at ease.

As everything we think and believe has to manifest in reality, we know that it can directly be reflected in our face and our skin as a whole. Our skin is our largest organ so what we consume (thoughts, food, our environment, the air we breathe, etc.) truly becomes who we are. We are all a microcosm in the macrocosm.

The magical part is, we regenerate every second and we can put “healing into our hands” to bring the mind and body into peace and totally reflect radiance, from the inside-out.

From this point, I studied aesthetics, face mapping, personal training, nutrition, gua sha, aromatherapy and facial Reflexology :: Dien Chan.

I was determined to get to the root of the problem. That is what I do in my practice every day. Each receiver / client has their own story/ journey and we look at the big picture the whole person.

Holistic translates to ‘holos’ in Greek meaning ‘whole’ therefore every little thing has an impact on our life. From our environment, social and personal lifestyle, career, money, food…

The goal is to achieve balance and harmony within, so it reflects without. And through process of elimination as we uncover what no longer serves us we can live and feel free in our mind and body - becoming a vital part of our community

My personal motivation to start this business is to help unlock Qi (life force energy) in the body and provide peace of mind, restful sleep patterns as well as create radiant beauty inside, that reflects outwards.

The inspiration to start my business is the freedom and magic that comes from connecting with the members of the community on a natural level. To help bring beauty (inside and out) into everyone’s hands. I’m taking a stand because I feel that business should be fun and provide a high level of service to the receivers and a fulfilling life for me. I believe in me and the power to make my dreams come true - to bring peace on earth and beauty to all, naturally.

My company exists so you will feel peace of mind, harmony in your heart and a love for self that creates balance in your inner and outer world. Truly unlocking stuck energy in your body will aid you to make the right choices - for you - in life.

Creating a world with love, peace of mind, harmony, rhythm and balance with thyself and nature...